The best way to attract the right clients to your brand.


Are you sick and tired of people asking to “pick your brain”?

They may tell you how much they need you then follow up with “but I’m just a start-up so I’ve got a really low budget”.

You have defined what your gift is and you are absolutely certain that people will want to buy from you. But will they?

You have spent years becoming the professional that you are and your rates reflect that. So how do you stop getting the wrong people applying to work with you, and start attracting the right clients who are more than happy to pay you top dollar?

The secret is to get super clear on your Avatar, also known as your Target Audience, Ideal Customer, or Persona.

(We often interchange those names but at the end of the day they are all the same).

Defining your Avatar.

If you have read my previous two blog posts on ‘Defining what your gift is & ‘Researching your market’, then you should have a clearer picture of who your Avatar is going to be. But really, to attract only the right clients to your brand, you have to get intimately clear on the exact person you want to attract.

You need to know everything about them. This will help with targeting your content online to the right people, ensuring that your product or service is getting in front of only the people who are willing to pay you what you are worth.

After you have researched your market and you have a handful of people that could be your Ideal Customer then set aside some time and ask them a list of questions that will really help you to get to know them better.

Name your Avatar, and when you are writing copy, or putting together an ad, have this person in mind. If you like, you could go as far as to find a stock image of this person, and build out a persona sheet and have this in front of you when you are creating content.

Now I can hear you saying… “But what if I have males and females and different aged people as my ideal customer - what do I do?”

I hear this a lot, but one thing I know for sure, is that if you market to a super niche audience you will make more money. The reason is because you will be targeting the right person, at the right time, when they need you most. So your conversions will be higher for smaller numbers.

Would you rather do a scatter-gun approach where you target everyone, and get loads of clicks on your ads, but you get a 0.01% conversion OR would you rather target 200 people, of which 50 are ready to buy now and you get a 25% conversion. I bet the latter huh!

Now, if you do have more than one ideal customer read on…

Create one or multiple Avatars.

Does your brand have more than one perfect person to market to? Complete a profile for each person you want to target. It is completely normal to have more than one Avatar. However, start with one or two and get those leads pumping then think about adding more down the track.

So go ahead and create your short list of possible Ideal Customers and question them to form your Avatar that you can market consistently and effectively to, and your conversions will improve for sure.

So this is how you attract the right people to your brand who will grow to know, like and trust you, and once you have developed amazing relationships and delivered valuable content to them, they will be raving fans who are more likely to pay you your top rates to work with you, or enroll in your programs, or buy your products.

Let’s Connect!

I hope you enjoyed this blog post. If you have any questions about Canva, branding or personal branding, connect with me.

If you are just getting started, here’s some ways I can help you:

  1. Grab my Free Resources and Templates on my Freebies page.

  2. Grab my Ebook “Zero to Branded”. This comprehensive guide will help you to launch and grow your personal brand so you can share your gifts with the world.

  3. Get Canva Pro for FREE for 45 days here

  4. Connect with me on Social Media to get more helpful hints and tips on how to launch and grow your brand.


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